Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog Inspiration

I've been stumped as to what to blog about this week. I have a nifty little list of all my blog dates along with the theme of the day or an idea for the day and there are a few days that I come up blank. I try to blog ahead in my spare time, just in case :), but somedays I find myself with a huge dose of writers block.

When that happens, I look to other blogs for inspiration. Sometimes I find a post or picture that gets my creativity flowing again. Sometimes I make observations such as a few of the blogs on my favorites are featuring wordless posts, with amazing pictures that just tell the story for themselves. That inspires me to take more pictures that tell the story rather than me having to paint a picture.

I enjoy reading about the thoughts and happenings of people all around the country. I am pretty lucky to be able to blog as part of my job, I get so inspired by the amazing stories that people tell. I can only hope that this blog can once in a while inspire you in some little way.

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