Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In or Out

In or Out?? This is a big question on my mind lately, do I wear my boots in (under my jeans) or out (over my jeans)? I have always been a boot under my jeans girl, but the quarters (tops) of most of my boots are so cute, why not show them off?

Obviously there is the matter of what type of jeans you have on. If you are wearing boot cut jeans, it is a given that your jeans go over your boots. It's difficult to pull off the boots tucked in with the extra denim at the bottom of a boot cut jean. And of course with skinny jeans, boots outside will only work, because of the lack of denim at the bottom.

Really there should be no problem then, pick your jean and wear it accordingly. A couple of the girls at our Cowboy Shop often wear their boots out and it definately gives the boot a new look so I did just that. I will admit it felt a little strange at first and my 14 year old daughter wasn't sure that it was a good idea to leave the house that way, but I figured what the heck.

So for the first day out, I chose my triad cut mosaic caimen boots with the bronze quarters, my most flashy boots. I was at first a little self conscious, but quickly became comfortable with the look. To me it was a little more fashionable look, and that is somewhere I am excited to go. I am thinking boots in are a little more casual and comfortable, boots out are a little more fashionable and edgy.

It's so much fun being able to experiment with different styles and being able to get two styles out of one item.

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